My method of thought

If you are here for tech,i must say that you wont find anything in this post.My best advice would be to stop reading immediately and go back to what you were doing seconds ago.But if you are interested in psychology you should definitely continue reading.So i have been waiting for  this day for a long time.A day where i would express my method of thought.Lets talk about it.

So something has been squeaking in the brains the past couple of days and i think i found the answer to it.So this was my question: How are thoughts created? I mean i know the biological answer involving neurons and electrical signals but i wanted to know from where do these thoughts come from.This question came to me while i was watching a series and one of the cahracters said that she couldn’t trust her thoughts.

Some of these thoughts would have come to you personally.You would have thought about it and then ignored it but i was determined not to until i find whole lot of reason.So i did my fair share of research on the internet which involved hours and hours of browsing .I also did my own share of thinking about my thoughts realizing that i’m still thinking(An engineer would describe it nested loop statement but also an infinitely nested loop).Its hard to describe this.For eg: It’s like infinity.A point inside infinity is still infinity and a point inside that point is still infinity.Amazing!!!! By researching i found out that our brain is basically an organizer of data.It first takes in the data and organises it in the most suitable ways.

The way in which we think is basically through the data which we have collected thorought our life.Experience to be exact.The experience is what makes you useful just like in any company which looks at your experience before you could join them.The more experiences you have had,the better you think.

I also have this voice telling me what decisions to make.I while i make a decision i talk to myself and make the most logical one.Its also the voice that motivates me,drives me from day to day.The voice inside me takes its thoughts from the exceptional people that i have met and give advice.It basically the positive influence of the society.I dont know whether i am making sense here.I’m happy if anybody gets it.

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